Ladybirds class
(Reception and Preschool)
Welcome to Ladybirds Class!
We are a mixed Reception and Preschool class with a fantastic learning environment combining indoor and outdoor spaces.
If you have any queries, please come and speak to us.
Teachers: Mrs Hill (Monday – Friday) Mrs Reynolds (Fridays)
Teaching Assistants: Miss Nash and Miss McLean (Monday-Friday) and Mrs Spencer (All mornings).
Curriculum Overviews
Please click on the attachment below to find out more about the Curriculum content for each class.
Curriculum Overview for Nursery 2024-2025
Curriculum Overview for Reception 2024-2025
Autumn Term
Autumn 1
Our first topic is 'Super duper you, Super duper me' and we are very excited about it. At the moment we are all settling into school life; learning our new routines and rules. We have all created a self-portrait which is on display to help us get to know everyone in our class. We are beginning to explore who is in our family and where we live.
We can all talk about why we are special, what makes us super and the things we like. The children have enjoyed learning about Autumn and the changes that this season brings us. This included baking our very own wholemeal hedgehog rolls - delicious and so much fun!Super Duper You Reception Overview
Reception Baseline Assessment - Information for Parents Sep 21
Autumn 2
Our topic this term is 'Around the World with Superheroes'. We will be exploring different countries and their cultures, especially around Christmas time. Superheroes will lead the way on this adventure, starting with the mighty, brave Supertato!
Around the World with Superheroes Reception Overview
Spring Term
Our topic this term is 'Dinosaurs and Space'. We have started the term with a wellbeing week and will begin to explore our topic from next week.
Dinosaurs and Space - Reception Overview
Summer Term