Peterchurch Primary School


Our PSHE programme of study – SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship) aims to equip our pupils with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.  Our curriculum intends to develop the whole child through carefully planned and resourced lessons that foster pupils’ knowledge and skills necessary to grow personally and socially, to protect and enhance their wellbeing, to stay safe and healthy, build and maintain successful relationships and become active citizens, who are able to responsibly contribute to our diverse society.  SCARF promotes a deep understanding of British Values, developing appreciation of others and their value in society, as well as build positive views of themselves, so as to develop their self-worth, a strong sense of identity and become confident citizens by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.  All the topics support social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and provide all pupils with appropriate and essential safeguarding knowledge to enable them to know they can ask for help.


Each year we take part in the national Children's Mental Health Week, as well as organising our own Well-being week in January. This year, as part of Children's Mental Health week, some of our pupil visited The Core in Hereford to take part in a roller -skating session aimed at building resilience.



At Peterchurch Primary School we have a clear and comprehensive programme of study for PSHE – SCARF.  This is a high-quality, inspiring curriculum with excellent enrichment experiences to enable pupils to develop essential life skills.   It is designed to be taught in thematic units with a spiral approach, ensuring themes can be revisited and pupils can recall and build upon previous learning, exploring the underlying principles of PSHE education regularly at a depth that is appropriate for the age and stage of their education.  All lessons include supporting materials, including building a rich bank of vocabulary, a curiosity for learning, and fostering imagination and learning.  SCARF takes into account pupils’ multiple intelligence and learning styles: visual, auditory and kinaesthetic (VAK) and this is reflected in the units of work and every lesson. We aim to deliver our PSHE curriculum in a creative way by using strategies such as role play, music, singing, discussion, debate, games, etc.  These strategies enable pupils to build upon our core School Values: respect, determination, pride, kindness, responsibility. 

PSHE is an important part of our school assemblies where pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured.  Our assemblies include themes such as antibullying, online safety, reinforcement of our school values, visits from outside agencies St Peter’s Church, NSPCC, local PCSO, etc.

Assessment for learning opportunities are built into each unit, which enables self-evaluation, reflective learning, allowing teachers to evaluate and assess progress.


The SCARF programme of study provides our school with an effective framework for pupils’ wellbeing.  Pupils are enabled to develop the vocabulary, confidence and resilience to clearly articulate their thoughts and feelings within an environment that encourage openness, trust and respect and know when and how they can seek the support of others.  They will apply their understanding of society to their everyday interactions, from the classroom and the school to the wider community they are part of.  SCARF actively supports our school which prioritises physical and mental health, providing pupils with the skills to evaluate their own wellbeing needs, practice self-care and contribute positively to the wellbeing of those around them.

Our PSHE provision has a positive impact on the whole child, including their attainment and progress, by mitigating any social and emotional barriers to learning and build on their self-esteem.  In our school we use SCARF as a tool to promote wellbeing, safeguarding and SMSC outcomes.  We believe that through the effective delivery of the SCARF curriculum we enable pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to succeed at school and in the wider world. 



Me and my Relationships 

Valuing Difference 

Keeping Myself Safe 

Rights and Responsibilities 

Being my Best 

Growing and Changing 




What makes me special 

People close to me 

Getting help 

Similarities and difference 

Celebrating difference 

Showing kindness 

Keeping my body safe 

Safe secrets and touches 

People who help to keep us safe 

Looking after things: friends, environment, money 

Keeping by body healthy – food, exercise, sleep 

Growth Mindset 


Life stages 







Getting help 

Classroom rules 

Special people 

Being a good friend 

Recognising, valuing and celebrating difference 

Developing respect and accepting others 

Bullying and getting help 

How our feelings can keep us safe – including online safety 

Safe and unsafe touches 

Medicine Safety 


Taking care of things: 


My money 

My environment 

Growth Mindset 

Healthy eating 

Hygiene and health 


Getting help 

Becoming independent 

My body parts 

Taking care of self and others 






Bullying and teasing 

Our school rules about bullying 

Being a good friend 


  Being kind and helping others 

   Celebrating difference 

 People who help us 

  Listening Skills 

Safe and unsafe secrets 


Appropriate touch  


Medicine safety 



Online safety 

Looking after money – saving and spending 

Growth Mindset 

Looking after my body 

Hygiene and health 

Exercise and sleep 

Life cycles 

Dealing with loss 

Being supportive 

Growing and changing 




Rules and their purpose 


Friendship (including respectful relationships) 

Coping with loss 

Recognising and respecting diversity 

Being respectful and tolerant  

My community 

Managing risk 

Decision-making skills 

Drugs and their risks 

  Staying safe online 

Skills we need to develop as we grow up 

Helping and being helped 

Looking after the environment 

Managing money 

  Keeping myself healthy and well 

  Celebrating and developing my skills 

 Developing empathy 


Changing bodies and puberty 

Keeping safe 

Safe and unsafe secrets 




Healthy relationships 

Listening to feelings 


Assertive skills  

Recognising and celebrating difference (including religions and cultural difference) 

Understanding and challenging stereotypes 

Managing risk 

Understanding the norms of drug use (cigarette and alcohol use) 


Online safety 

Making a difference (different ways of helping others or the environment) 

Media influence 

Decisions about spending money 

Having choices and making decisions about my health 

Taking care of my environment 

My skills and interests 

Body changes during puberty 

Managing difficult feelings 

Relationships including marriage 






Friendship skills, including compromise 

Assertive skills  


Recognising emotional needs 

Recognising and celebrating difference, including religions and cultural 

Influence and pressure of social media 

Managing risk, including online safety  

Norms around use of legal drugs (tobacco, alcohol) 

Decision-making skills 

  Rights and responsibilities 

  Rights and responsibilities relating to my health 

  Making a difference 

  Decisions about lending, borrowing and spending  

 Growing independence and taking responsibility 

Keeping myself healthy 

 Media awareness and safety 

 My community 

Managing difficult feelings 

Managing change 

How my feelings help keeping safe 

Getting help 







Safe/unsafe touches 

Positive relationships 

Recognising and celebrating difference Recognising and reflecting on prejudice-based bullying  

Understanding Bystander behaviour  

Gender stereotyping 

Understanding emotional needs 

Staying safe online 

  Drugs: norms and risks (including the law) 

  Understanding media bias, including social media 

Caring: communities and the environment 

Earning and saving money 

Understanding democracy 

  Aspirations and goal setting 

  Managing risk 

 Looking after my mental health 



Coping with changes 

Keeping safe  

Body Image 

Sex education 


See the source image