Wrap around care
We currently have 'Breakfast Club' run by Mrs Gwynne. Start time 7.45am until 8.45am, this includes activities and a wide range of breakfast options. The cost is £3.00 per session and can be booked and paid for on Parent Pay.
Monday to Thursday we offer an After School Club from 3.15pm - 5.30pm, this includes a range of activities and a substantial snack/ light dinner. The cost is £5.00 per session and can be booked and paid for on Parent Pay.
We currently run a range of afterschool clubs from 3.15pm to 4.15pm Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. These clubs change termly and the cost is £2.00 per child. These clubs can be booked and paid for on Parent Pay.
Our Spring term club offer is:
- Monday to Thursday Stay and Play 3.15 pm - 5.30 pm
- Thursday KS2 Choir
- Friday - Laura Gale Dance Club (All ages)
- Friday- PACES sport club KS2 children
If you would like any further details please contact the Admin Team in the School Office.