Peterchurch Primary School


“Successful teaching of phonics will give all children a solid base upon which to build as they progress through school. It will help children to develop the habit and love of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information.”

Department of Education 2021

Our fundamental aim is to teach every child to read as quickly as possible, and be enthused about reading. We strive to teach children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension, as well as develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information. These essential skills not only unlock doors to the rest of the curriculum, but also have a huge impact on children’s self-esteem and future life experiences.

Becoming a confident and fluent reader consists of two dimensions: word recognition and language comprehension. Successful early phonics allows children to develop automatic word recognition through decoding and blending which provides the foundation to progress confidently through school. It gives children a solid foundation for reading and writing. 

At Peterchurch Primary School, we follow Bug Club, a synthetic phonics and reading programme. Bug Club Phonics is a fully resourced programme with a complete scheme of fully decodable books which allows children to have pride in what they read and develop an early love for reading. A love of reading allows children to develop a broader vocabulary, develop creativity and imagination by bringing stories to life; it allows them to use reading as a source of information to gain a better understanding of the world around them.


 All children will leave Key Stage 1 with a sound knowledge of the English alphabetical code.

  • All children will be able to see the letters, say the sounds for reading to automaticity.
  • All children will be able to hear the sounds, recall the letters for spelling to automaticity.
  • All children will have secure knowledge of independent blending at word, sentence and text levels.
  • All children will have secure knowledge of independent segmenting for spelling and know of which spelling alternative to use.
  • All children will have developed the necessary skills for handwriting; pencil grip, letter formation, positioning on a writing line, print before cursive.
  • All children will be able to confidently read and spell all common exception words for their year group.
  • All children will have daily planned opportunities to practice the phonics they have learned.


    Please take a look at some of the useful links and resources below to support our teaching of phonics.

    Phase 2 Sound matPhase 3 sound matPhase 5 sound matPhonics Glossary